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Using the menta tech API

To start using the menta tech API, you will need a valid HTTP client to make requests. In this example, we will use cURL, but you may use any other client of your preference.

Keep in mind that the menta tech API is designed to work both in backend and frontend environments. Therefore, you will need to follow the installation and configuration steps in both environments.

Frontend Configuration

Requests from the frontend should be made from your platform's users' browsers. For these requests, you should use the Public API Key, as this key is intended to be used outside of your servers.


The Private API Key is sensitive information and should not be shared with anyone. If you suspect that your Private API Key has been compromised, contact our support team to obtain a new one.

It is important to note that the Public API Key only allows read operations, primarily for generating links. Operations involving the creation of events, issuance of tickets, or modification of entities require a valid Private API Key.